Sunday, December 13, 2009 @ 1:10 AM
hey! im back! :D well, the trip was alright. quite fun and tiring. i shall now post about the trip before i get too lazy. LOL.
10/12/09:sian. -.- the queue in T1 was super long for checking-in. so waited for about an hour for our turn. got thru the scanner thing and my contacts lotion + deodorant was CONFISCATED! *sobs* -.- whatever. then up to the plane and it was super small! i feel so unsafe. but, its okay la. flight was only about half an hour. very fast. my seat was hardly warmed up and they said it was time to land. -.-
JETSTAR 3k683 KUALA LUMPUR LANDED!when in KL, waited for my uncle to drive us for breakfast cause we got there at bout 9am. the market's food was delicious and cheap! :D shiok. haha. after that, went to check in into our apartment, which took about 2hours. -.- then while waiting, we went for shopping! :D but, that shopping centre was too expensive. all branded! so, we only had lunch there. (:
we went back to the apartment and slacked. i was too tired, so i napped. woke up, bathe and went for dinner. (sounds like i only eat, sleep, slack.) the dinner was at some roadside stall. i mean, really roadside! i love it man! super cool. the food's nice too. (: well, there's just a few stalls only though. haha.
after dinner, went back to the house and play all the way. bought some tidbits and chatted thruout the night. i was too tired, so, was the first to sleep. (: (tired cause i had to carry the little one all the while)
11/12/09:was disturbed and thus, woke up. -.- had breakfast at some stall which was faraway and takes super long for the food to come. need to make reservation one. even though we made already, we had to wait for an hour before the food comes. IT IS THAT GOOD. somemore, its just a roadside stall! after that, went to mid-valley and shop like siao!! woo~ i love it! :D
haha, we had like 4hours+ to shop. bought a lot of accessories, 3t-shirts and had a sumptuous lunch! :D wanted to buy the watch and jacket but, i spend too much. -.- haha. then went back to the apartment and waited for my aunt to come back. they lost their way in KL. (they drove to KL) so, used their car to travel in KL and lost their way. spend 3hours driving IN KL, not knowing where they were -.-
they came back and then we went to this another faraway place for BAK KUT TEH! haha. i didnt really eat much cause i dun really like it. but, the YOU TIAO was nice. :D ate a lot of it. haha. and after that dinner, i had to carry my cousin all around. :D i spend like three quarters of the trip carrying her. it was tiring, but i enjoyed it. its okay! :D kids are just super cute! :DD
they dabao a lot of things back to the apartment for supper. KFC included. -.- i bathed when i got home and played mahjong! :D haha. fun!
12/12/09:got disturbed and woke up again. washed up and went for dim sum breakfast! :D was superb! i love dim sum. and i just realised that most dim sum are made of seafood. LOL. prawns, fish, etc. after breakfast, we went back home to pack our stuff (i almost left my bible behind!) LOL. then went to LOT10 to shop. :D bought another shirt. haha! wanted to buy one blouse but was too ex. so didnt. then we went back to retrieve my uncle's(the one who live in KL) car. we are always squeezing in the car. 3cars, 15ppl.(not including the baby) -.- my leg always have to suffer. cause, its long! HAHA.
then we went to my uncle's house for awhile to look at his son's wedding photos and videos. (: then headed for the airport. had mac as dinner and now, im back home! in singapore. :D
#1. rowdy
#2. honest
#3. loves sweet (always use sweet to bribe her)
#4. hyperactive
#5. loves to make guy friends (HAHA)
#6. sings hokkien songs!
she's the one that i had to carry. that's how i exercise in KL. 17kg...

ESTHER! hannah's younger sister.
the extreme cute girl! cute x10^100000000
#1. chooses who to carry her. (only her immediate relatives)
#2. knows how to kiss!
#3. very quiet
#4. always stare at YOU.
#5. calls her daddy "da da"
#6. cries upon seeing her dad walk past!
i only managed to carry her on the second night when she was about to sleep. haha. more photos of her in facebook. i have her bathing photos too! but, too bad. :D haha. she's really cute! laid with her on the bed and she rolls about. HAHA!
one more photo.

I LOVE KIDS! :D they are like extremely cute! have you ever imagined how your child will call you when they are like babies? their first word! :DD and, the effort you have to take care of them is really tough but, its all worth it. really. i just laid on her bed and it feels so wow. i love the baby smell! smell of milk. :D hee. yay!