Maybelline Chang
29 May 1993
Gemini; Rooster
Bukit Batok Secondary
Status: just graduated

HEY, welcome to my blog. (: Sorry that i keep changing blogskins.I just have yet to find a suitable one. HAHA. Well, enjoy! :D

your voice was all i heard

i'm leaving
never looking back again
changyen cheanpin daniel gracia josh keneth peisan siwei sueyi

bryan wong joshua ang 戴阳天

time machine
walk down memory lane
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

#15 secondhand serenade - fall for you
#14 demi lovato - here we go again
#13 jason mraz - i'm yours
#12 the first normal post
#11 taylor swift - white horse
#10 taylor swift - you're not sorry
#9 jason mraz - prettiest friend
#8 boys like girls - love drunk
#7 chris daughtry - over you
#6 soulja boys - kiss me through the phone

take a bow
how about a round of applause
Layout: x o x o
Inspiration: I ; II
Color codes: I
Icon: I

#16 another week has gone
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 3:26 PM

okayy. just posted some song lyrics and there's more to come. (:

well, another week has gone, and so, another promise unfulfilled. its alright. i had lots of fun this week. many things had happened in just this one week. thursday was our school's opening ceremony. :D and ms grace fu came as the guest-of-honour. every single teacher was dressed up. had a photo with mr pu and ms lau. but, not others. :X ohh well, i shall take it next time. (:

on thursday, we were dismissed from school at 10.30am. then we had a movie after that! HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE. well, at first, i thought it wasnt that disappointing cause i hadnt read the book yet. but, heard that my the show left out a lot of details. ohh well, so i guess its a disappointment afterall. LOL. and before the movie started, we saw the advertisement of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER! :DDD ohh my! we were super happy then. its an excellent cartoon and now, its coming to the cinema! but, have to wait till next year. -.- its alright. the most surprising thing is that, i didnt know daniel and changyen watch avatar. haha. after the movies, we went for lunch and went home. i have to get home to get my uniform for my duty and then, took a cab back to school. which costs me 7bucks. -.- that's very expensive.

the parade was nice! it started at 5.48pm and most of us were watching by the corner. when its my turn to do duty, i went to the walkway and stood there with nazirul. after that, i went to bathe and waited for the others to come back. i waited from 7pm to 8pm. stupid people. and end up, i had dinner with josh and keneth. without kor they all. so angry at them. well, at least i studied chemistry while waiting. didnt waste my time! :DD had mac as dinner and went home at about 9.45pm. i was waiting for the bus but, it came too late. so, i walked to the mrt station instead to take train. thank God, my mum didnt scold. haha.

then, on friday, which is yesterday, we had national celebration in school! so, its another half day. (: well, its not exactly a celebration for the sec4s though. cause, we still had lessons going on. we had lessons the whole day until 10.45am. we didnt wanna waste time, so rather carry on with lessons. (: at 10.45, we went westmall together to plan a surprise for josh, by gracia. yeahh, he was 'surprised'. LOL. then, the three of us shared food! so fun! mix and match all the food. haha. and before lunch, we went shopping. daniel wanted to buy a cd but, he could not find it. i went to look at the cameras cause i wanna get one by the end of the year. just in time for prom night. i haven shop for prom stuff either. well, its really a big headache. cause, i dun have that money to buy all the stuff. i have to save up instead. i need like 500 bucks by the end of the year?? the camera takes more than half of that budget. haha.

after lunch, we went to mac to study. we were all super tired. josh fell asleep, keneth looks exhausted. and i was tired too. but, didnt stop doing my maths. cause i dun wanna waste time. and daddy treat me ice-cream! :DDD haha. well, i didint do much that day. cause, as usual, we tend to talk and joke around. i left there at about 4.30pm. actually wanted to leave at bout 6plus 7 de. but, my mum needed me back home. so, went home earlier. (: then once i got home, i slept and slacked. i didnt do any work ever since the time i came home yesterday until now. -.- conclusion: i HAVE TO study outside. the prelims are coming, and im really afraid. i wanna get like 10points for my prelims?? well, not impossible. it'll be possible if i work hard for it. (: i have my ideal poly already. and if i dun end up there, i'll have no where to fulfill my dream. JIAYOU lo. :DD